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Drie Fonteinen Armand & Gaston Oude Gueuze 22/23 Vintage 375ml


We have 1 in stock (Inventory is live and accurate)

For this specific Oude Geuze Cuvée Armand & Gaston, they blended lambik originating from seven different barrels and ten different brews. Using both one-, two-, three- and some four-year old lambik. This brings the weighted average age of this blend up to more than 26 months. Of the grains that were used in the brews, more than half was sourced in their own cereal collective and most of that was sourced in Pajottenland. On average, the hops were more than 17 years old and almost 20% were sourced within Belgium.

Matured in oak barrels. Extended bottle aging. Unfiltered. Unpasteurised. 6% ABV
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We ship wine to most states with a $100 minimum order for shipping. We don't ship spirits nor beer.

Weather shipping advisory: Orders placed during times of extreme heat or extreme cold will be held for no charge until more favorable weather returns.

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